„Investigations on the highest level“
Corporate Investigations
Protect your Business from Risk
We are the Experts

  • long-term experience
  • investigations at home and abroad
  • professionalism
  • transparency
  • highest loyalty
  • high technical know-how
  • use of the latest technology
  • europe-wide network

Your business is everything and our corporate investigations can help keep it running smoothly. It represents a lifetime of investment and hard work, the income to support you and those you love as well as the incomes of the many other people you employ, your connections and reputation within the industry you operate and the trust and reliance of the clients you work so hard to serve. You have the right to protect your business and we have the skills to keep it safe. We can help you to identify any form of risk so that you are able to take action to address this and protect your assets.

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Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud is a type of criminal activity found in every type of existing insurance coverage. It includes everything from life insurance and faked home damage claims to auto insurance fraud, falsified health care insurance billings, and fake personal injury insurance claims related to Workman’s compensation and falsified unemployment insurance claims. In the latter instance, unscrupulous employees may collect unemployment benefits while they are still employed or working for unreported cash. Insurance fraud can take many forms, and can involve a simple false statement on an insurance claim, or it can be a complex criminal enterprise involving a number of other people. Investigating Life Insurance Fraud and Abuse. Uncovering the Challenges Facing Insurers

Employee Theft

Most business owners primarily concern themselves with shoplifting and other crimes committed by customers and devote little attention to the very real theft risk posed by their own employees. We understand the financial harm caused by theft of any kind and provide the business theft investigations and surveillance your company needs to minimize the damage. When your business is suffering from employee theft, you need to act to protect your interests. For most companies, however, the options are often limited. In-house investigations can be difficult and distract you from other vital business concerns. So, what are your options? The answer is clear: to properly deal with ongoing theft, you need investigative experts who have the discretion and experience needed to effectively identify employee misconduct.

Financial Fraud

Corporate fraud occurs more frequently than most business owners realize – and when it does, its impact can be devastating for the companies involved. Unfortunately, theft, embezzlement, inventory losses, stolen intellectual property, and similar financial abuses will often continue until steps are taken to identify the offenders and hold them accountable for their crimes. Most companies are ill-equipped to handle these investigations on an in-house basis, however. To protect their business from fraud and its ill-effects, they need to rely on professional financial fraud investigations from the trusted experts at Pro-Investigations. We assist law firms, banks, corporations, government agencies, investors and private individuals. Evaluate Risks. Identify Perpetrators. Find Restitution.

Corporate Surveillance

In today’s tight legal and regulatory environment, operating a business can be filled with peril, but legal concerns are only one of many challenges that companies can face. Company executives, employees, consultants, and others can commit acts of wrongdoing that can seriously harm the business. Unfortunately, few companies can afford to maintain the in-house investigators needed to ensure compliance and prevent or deter internal wrongdoing and malfeasance. For companies in Austria, the solution is simple: rely on outside experts to conduct the corporate surveillance needed to protect your business. Pro-Investigations corporate investigators have the experience and expertise you need to safeguard your company’s interests.

Personal Injury Investigations

Personal injuries occur daily throughout Austria and continue to serve as the impetus for millions of legal claims each year. Sometimes, these injuries are obvious and accident victims receive compensation directly from an insurer with little argument. In other instances, however, injuries may be questionable, and claims get contested. For injury victims or the targets of these claims, it is important to conduct competent personal injury investigations to gather evidence to support any legal challenge. Our investigators can help you contest any personal injury tort case, with investigations that gather the evidence you need to successfully defend your interests. We can also assist injury victims when they need investigations to gather evidence to support their claims.

Corporate Espionage

With corporate spying on the rise across the globe, your company needs a partner with proven experience in business counterintelligence activities. We have the proven track record of success that you need and are fully committed to helping you protect your invaluable company trade secrets. Don’t wait until your rivals use your own intellectual property against you. Many companies assume that they are immune to economic espionage and trust their internal processes to protect valuable trade secrets. The reality, however, is that foreign governments and business entities are increasingly targeting sensitive business data. Those competitors often seek your business secrets – including valuable intellectual property – to eliminate your competitive edge and obtain an unfair advantage.

Due Diligence Service

Many European firms are now acquiring overseas companies, building partnerships with foreign entities, or investing in international opportunities. Unfortunately, many of the most exciting opportunities are in some of the highest-risk areas of the world, and it’s often difficult to know who to trust. Pro-Investigations can provide the international due diligence services you need to ensure that your business interests are protected on the global stage. There are good actors and bad actors in every country around the world, but it is sometimes difficult to determine the facts without doing proper due diligence first. When your company needs to do accurate international due diligence to minimize risk during business ventures overseas, you need an experienced partner who can provide thorough and accurate investigations that answer your most pressing questions.

Graz - Styria

Liebenauer Hauptstraße 2-6
8041 Graz



Sterngasse 3/2/6
1010 Vienna


Klagenfurt - Carinthia

Nanninggasse 14/6
9020 Klagenfurt


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